Welcome to my portfolio! I’m Simon, an aspiring 3D artist. I have a passion for creating 3D models and animations, and I want to turn this hobby into a career. You can learn more about me and my background here.Now, let me tell you about my work. I started working with 3D software in January 2023, so I’m still relatively new to this field. However, I always aim to produce high-quality and original content. I know I have a lot to learn, but I’m also proud of how much I’ve improved and accomplished so far. I’m excited to keep learning and developing my skills as a 3D artist.Here are some of my best projects. You can also either go directly to my portfolio or view my fun, personal projects with the buttons below. Have fun!

If you are interested in collaborating with me, have a question about my work or just want to talk to me
please contact me via Discord or good old email.
I look forward to hearing from you!